Latest Results

Mens Results July 24th:

In a world that seems to be increasingly going mad, the halcyon shore line of Lough Ramor allows its members drive up its leaf canopied drive way and forget the trials and tribulations outside the gates. Now we still might encounter trials and tribulations on the course but in the larger scheme of things, there irrelevant, and the enjoyment that this game and the social golf club were members of, is reward in itself. Still however there are even greater winners every week and this weeks tour de force in the yellow jerseys were the pairing of Liam Brady and Pat Connell with 46pts only pipping the pairing of Alan Rock and Viv Connell on a count back. Well done all.

PLEASE NOTE the timesheet for the Captains prize is now in the clubhouse and get your name down early as this is the one that everyone wants to win. Over the years the good, the great and the plain lucky have seen their name in lights and this year it could be you. Can the PRO come last (actually last) 3 years running? Only time will tell.

Mid Week Warriors: As the great Morton Shaevitz says, "You may be on the back nine of life but its good to finish strong!" thankfully in Virginia we only have 9 holes so this is irrelevant for our senior golfers. Last weeks worthy winners were, 1st Olivia Monaghan, Pat Murphy, Mike Brown 57.9. 2nd Kitty Cogan, Eva Williams, Gerry Eagleton, Frank Fahy 61.0.