Weather related Course Closures - Protocol


Weather related Course Closures.

During the Winter, course closures , due to weather related issues are inevitable. Frost, at short

notice is the primary cause, but heavy rain and other bad weather may result in course closure

Set out hereunder are the Procedures and Protocols to be followed in such cases.

There are 3 main elements involved here. Members competition fee refunds, Course utilisation

and Competitions.


Members will be advised as soon as possible, by checking website,(don't forget to

refresh browser to get up to date information), that course has been closed and to remove

themselves from Time Sheet to enable an automatic refund of competition fee. There may be a

number of members who miss this and in that event, the Men's Committee Treasurer will advise the

Club's co-ordinator of the Clubnet booking/timesheet system to arrange a refund to their E.Purse

through the Clubs recognised channels. This will be done without delay as members should not be

out of pocket for any longer than necessary.

Course Utilisation:

Once the course re-opening has been delayed beyond the time where 18

hole competition is possible the Clubnet co-ordinator will open the timesheet , to enable casual golf

if and when course opens again on that day.


To enable as many members as possible play in week end competitions we have

our weekend competitions set up to allow play on either Saturday or Sunday. If on either day the

course is closed beyond the time where 18 hole competition is possible ,competition for that day

will be cancelled.

Saturday closure, Any member who wishes to reenter on Sunday may do so where there are gaps

in the Sunday timesheet. We will also look at the possibility of designating casual golf slots being

changed to competition slots on the Sunday to accomodate these reentries, provided they fall into a

timescale to enable completion of 18 holes.

Sunday closure. Where this occurs, the result of the competition will be based on the Saturday

result. However, if less than 16 play on the Saturday, competition will be declared as a sweep

rather than an official club competition. In this event minimum payout will be €30 to the winner.

If between 10 & 15 play 50% of entry fees will be paid out. If there is a pot being carried forward

for the 2's this will not be played for and if there is a winner (s) an amount of €20 will be paid out.

If the course does reopen on the Saturday or Sunday and there are any members who wish to

organise a sweep among themselves, they may of course do so but , there should be no expectation

that the Club will organise anything.


Check website for notice of course closure. - Refresh Browser regularly.

If closed, cancel your booking on Time sheet , before your tee off time to obtain auto refund of

entry fee.

Competition Secretary,