Men's Spring League 2024

The Men’s Spring League starts this weekend and will continue for 8 weeks. You will need to know the following:

Cards & Scores:

 Sign-In on ClubNet before you play each week.

 Enter your scores on ClubNet following your round (zeros for any holes not played)

 Sign your card and leave it into the card return box.

Weekly Competition Details

 Pay €8 competition fee each week as normal. (No Upfront fee)

 Play on Friday if you wish - Select one of the available competition slots

 Saturday / Sunday play - as normal

 In the event of course closure on Sunday the competition will not count towards the Spring League

and the competition committee will re-schedule if possible.


 Competition will not count for handicap. Playing Handicap is 85% of Course Handicap.

Weekly 18 Hole Competition:

 Best individual 1st & 2nd prize each week - based on the best 18 holes as per normal

 2’s prize each week - as per the notice board at the club house weekly.

 Weekly winner will be nominally cut 2 shots and Runner Up cut 1 shot for the rest of the league. The

reduction in handicap will apply to best 9’s scores also for the remainder of the league.

Spring League Rules / Prizes:

Overall & Runner-up Team Prize

o The score for each player will be their best 9 (front/back) each week.

o The weekly total for each team will be the total of the best 5 players’ scores

o Overall winner of the Spring League will be the team with the best 5 weeks accumulated

scores. (Each team will discard their 3 worst weeks)

o In the event of a tie, week's scores in descending order will decide places. 8th/7th/6th etc

o Players must play 4 rounds minimum to be included in winning team prizes.

Golfer of the Tournament Prize.

o The prize for the Golfer of the Tournament will be the individual with the best 5 cards (18


Best Player on each Team

o The prize for the best team player will be calculated on the best 5 scores (best 9s)

o In the event of a tie, week’s scores in descending order will decide places. 8th/7th/6th etc