The Ramor Inn Men's Spring League Results

The good weather enabled the completion of the Ramor Inn - VGC Men’s Spring League this weekend.

In the 18 Hole competition first place goes to Oliver O'Dwyer on 43pts with David Young in second on 42pts.

There was no winner of the 2s this weekend and so on week ending 16th April there will be three opportunities to win a 2s prize.

Congrats to Team Kelly on winning The Ramor Inn - VGC Spring League 2022.

Team Rock finishes in second place.

Prize giving for all winners over the course of the league will take place in The Ramor Inn on Easter Sunday night .

The Ramor Inn - VGC Spring League 2022. final League placing are:

Team Kelly 529

Team Rock 520

Team O'Meara 507

Team Cahill 505

Team Rooney 496

Team Graydon 495

Team Langsford 494

Team Foran 493

Team McLoughlin 474